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Product ID: 10001716


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Vibrovax vaccine is used for the prevention of infertility and abortion in cattle caused by Vibriosis.

After a comprehensive Vibrovax vaccination program, the effects of vibriosis will be minimised.

However, a continuing vaccination program for bulls and heifers is highly recommended.

Recommendations For Use:

For the prevention of Bovine Venereal Campylobacteriosis (Vibriosis).
It is suitable for use in both beef and dairy cattle.
Used for the prevention of a sexually transmitted disease called Vibriosis that can cause infertility and abortion in both beef and dairy cattle.


The Zoetis Advantage is unique.

Only Vibrovax is registered in Australia to prevent vibriosis in cattle.

There are no other registered vaccines.

Prevents shedding of vibriosis to safeguard your heifers and cows reproductive potential

Can be used to vaccinate bulls, heifers and older cows.

Bulls can be vaccinated prior to mating, with two 5 mL doses a minimum of 4 weeks apart.

Heifers can be vaccinated after 18 months of age with a single 5 mL dose (2 doses are required if the program begins before this time)

An annual booster dose of 2 mL, or the convenience of a 5 mL dose every two years, will provide ongoing immunity against vibriosis.

The vaccine should be injected subcutaneously.

Veterinary advice should be sought before commencing a vaccination program as a number of options are available depending on circumstances.

The most comprehensive program involves the vaccination of all breeding animals including bulls, cows and heifers.


Initially, all bulls should be given two 5 mL doses a minimum of 4 weeks apart. Vaccination should be timed so that the second dose is given about 2-4 weeks before joining.
After this initial vaccination program, an annual dose of 5 mL each year will ensure they remain protected. Regular vaccination of bulls before joining is an important means of controlling the disease.

Heifers (younger than 18 months):

Initially heifers should be given two 5 mL doses a minimum of 4 weeks apart. Vaccination should be timed so that the second dose is given about 2-4 weeks before joining.
Heifers and cows (older than 18 months)
Initially, heifers/cows should be given a 5 mL dose. After this initial dose an annual dose of 2 mL, or a single dose of 5 mL every two years will ensure they remain protected. The vaccine should be given 2-4 weeks before joining.
Other control measures such as segregation of infected cattle, use of young clean bulls and culling of barren cows should also be practised.

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