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Product ID: 0405175


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Insectigone Insecticide is for control of a range of insect pests in various situations.

Insectigone Insecticide, made from Deltamethrin is a long-lasting, low odour insecticide used to treat a broad range of pests in a wide range of interior and exterior situations.

Deltamethrin is an insecticide belonging to the pyrethroid family.

Pyrethroids are the man-made versions of pyrethrins and natural insecticides from chrysanthemum flowers.

Deltamethrin can kill insects by direct contact or if they eat it.

It disrupts their normal nervous system function.

Pests targeted by Insectigone include cockroaches, fleas, spiders, ants, silverfish, carpet beetles, clothes moths, bird mites, bed bugs, mosquitoes, house flies, various timber borers and quarantine pests.

Mixing rate for Insectigone Insecticide:

Pest Control Initial Treatments on non-porous surfaces:
150mL per 5L Water per 100m2.

Pest Control Initial Treatments on porous surfaces:
75mL per 5L Water per 100m2.

Cut flowers for export:
250mL per 100L Water (Flowers must be submerged for 1 minute or longer)
Freshly felled logs, poles and posts - 100mL in 10L water per 100m2.

do not apply spray treatment outdoors if rain is imminent.

Active Ingredient:
10g/L Deltamethrin

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