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Product ID: 100727978


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For the non-residual control of grass and broadleaf weeds in various situations as specified in the Directions for Use Table.

As it is a non-selective herbicide and weed killer, it can be used against many annual and perennial grasses, and achieves best results when used under good growing conditions.

Genfarm Glufosinate 200 Herbicide is a member of the phosphinic acids group of herbicides.

Genfarm Glufosinate 200 Herbicide is an inhibitor of glutamine synthase.

For weed resistance management Genfarm Glufosinate 200 Herbicide is a Group N herbicide.

Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to Genfarm Glufosinate 200 Herbicide and
other Group N herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population.

The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly.

These resistant weeds will not be controlled by Genfarm Glufosinate 200 Herbicide or other Group N herbicides.

Since occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Genfarm Glufosinate 200 Herbicide to control resistant weeds.

For use with the  following crops:

Tropical and sub-tropical fruits:
Inedible peel, including, Avocado, banana, feijoa, guava, kiwifruit, litchi, mango, pawpaw, passionfruit, pineapple, pitaya(dragon fruit), rambutan plantations, Blackberrry, boysenberry, loganberry, raspberry, Citrus orchards, Olive plantations, Pome and stone fruit orchards, Tree nut plantations, Vineyards, Blackcurrant, Blueberries, Green Bean, Strawberries, cane berry fruits, Tomatoes, Date Palms, Green Tea, Native Foods, Duboisia, Pyrethrum, Oil tea tree.

Nursery stock [(non-food):
Seedlings, plugs, potted colour, trees, shrubs, foliage plants, palms, grasses, fruit trees (non-bearing)], cut flowers including wildflowers and foliage.

Wildflower crops include:
Banksia species (Banksia spp.) - cultivars and hybrids, Berzelia or button brush (Berzelia spp.), Black kangaroo paw (Macropidia spp.) - cultivars and hybrids, Christmas bells (Blandfordia grandiflora), Christmas bush (Ceratopetalum gummiferum), Geraldton wax and Waxflower species (Chamelaucium spp.) - cultivars and hybrids, Kangaroo paw (Anigozanthos spp.) - cultivars and hybrids, Leucadendron species - cultivars and hybrids, Leucospermum species (Leucospermum spp.) - cultivars and hybrids (pincushions), Protea (Protea spp.) - cultivars and hybrids, Riceflower (Ozothamnus diosmifolius), Waratah species (Telopea speciosissima) - cultivars and hybrids.

Commercial & Industrial areas, rights-of-way and other nonagricultural areas.

Line-marking on sports grounds


DO NOT apply by aircraft
DO NOT apply when rain is expected within 6 hours.
DO NOT apply to weeds under stress due to, for example, very dry, very wet, frosty or diseased conditions.
DO NOT apply under hot dry conditions (temperatures above 33ºC with a relative humidity below 50%).

Be sure to always use this Glufosinate herbicide product only as directed on the label.

Active Constituent:
200 g/L Glufosinate-Ammonium

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