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Product ID: 14868505


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VALOR 500WG is the herbicide for cane and bean growers that stays where you put it.

It can either be used with knockdown herbicides to improve burndown control, or at higher rates for long-term residual control.

At lower rates, Flumioxazin enhances the knockdown of non-selective herbicides when used in a mixture.

At higher rates it provides residual control of a range of broadleaf weeds and certain grasses.

Valor 500WG contains 500 g/kg Flumioxazin, a Group 14 herbicide with excellent soil residual activity.

Weeds Controlled:

Calopo, Wild rose, Square weed/Borreria, Billygoat weed/Bluetop, Pig weed, Sicklepod, Common sida, Spider flower, Amaranthus spp., Ipomoea spp., Pink convolvulus, Red convolvulus, Bell vine, Morning glory and Star of Bethlehem.

How To Get the Best from Valor with Non-Selective Herbicides:

Use as a direct spray at the base of the plant.
Choose the mixing partner based on the weeds present.
If Calopo or Sicklepod are present the addition of atrazine may improve knockdown.
While Valor enhances the knockdown of glyphosate herbicides, care needs to be taken to avoid
glyphosate drift onto crops.
To control vines the growing tip needs to be sprayed.
Non-ionic surfactants may be used but addition of a crop oil concentrate such as Hasten will generally give a better knockdown result.
Use as a replacement for 2,4-D in knockdown mixes.

Valor Stays Where You Put It:

Recent herbicide run-off simulation trials conducted by Sugar Research Australia (SRA) highlighted that Valor binds very strongly to the soil posing a much lower risk of run-off and contamination to waterways and the reef than other alternative herbicides.

Directions For Use:

DO NOT apply by air.
DO NOT apply for enhanced knockdown if weeds are stressed from drought, frost or waterlogging.
DO NOT apply for residual weed control until the start of summer rains when significant soil wetting rain has occurred (> 15 mm) or the soil has been irrigated.
DO NOT apply in high pH water (pH >7) or allow the spray mix to stand overnight.
DO NOT disturb treated soil surface after application.
DO NOT make more than one application per season at the 700 g/ha maximum rate.

Active Ingredients:
500 g/kg Flumioxazin

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