Product ID: GR8225
QTY: | 1+ | 2+ |
PRICE: | $317.50 | Enquire |
BlackMAX offers exceptional hydraulic and structural performance and is recognised for its durability and low cost benefits compared with other conventional drainage pipes.
Manufactured from polypropylene, BlackMAX drainage pipes are resistant to corrosive and aggressive ground conditions, resulting in years of corrosion free service.
Australian water agencies require pipe systems used for water, sewerage and drainage have a realistic life expectancy of at least 100 years.
BlackMAX, has been appraised by WSAA and deemed to meet this requirement.
BlackMAX pipes and fittings offer effective drainage solutions and are suitable for installation in the following applications:
Stormwater drainage pipelines
Road culverts
Gravity Sewer mains
Low head Irrigation
Rehabilitation (as liner pipe)
Ventilation ducts
Leachate collection
Stormwater retention systems
Estuarine and Ocean outfalls
The tough, ductile nature of polypropylene enable BlackMAX drainage pipes to resist impact sustained in course of transportation and site handling, without damage.
Abrasion and corrosion resistant:
Polypropylene tubes and fittings are notably resistant to abrasion and have excellent resistance to corrosive drainage.
The material is resistant to aggressive ground conditions, such as acid sulphate soils or saline ground waters.
Effective rubber ring joint:
Designed for ease of assembly and jointing. Pipes can be cut to length on site and rejoined.
Low embodied energy:
Environmental benefits.
Inground performance:
High tolerance to deformation and can accommodate soil movement without structural damage.
Smooth bore for hydraulic performance:
Combined with their high resistance to scale and sediment build up provides excellent hydraulic performance.
This can result in reduced grades to accomplish a given flow.
Lightweight for ease of installation:
Can be easily manoeuvred in confined areas by hand or with light lifting equipment.
Site handling and efficiency is therefore improved, which can result in significant savings on installation.