Product ID: 18918913
Siberian Millet can be sown on lighter soils than some other summer forages, however the crop
requires good soil nutrition to optimize yield.
Starter fertilizer is required to ensure good production through to the first grazing.
It can be sown earlier than Sorghum crops and is a good early feed option and can be utilized
before other crop options are available.
Siberian Millet has less tendency to run to head when under stress or in high summer
temperatures compared to Shirohie.
It is suitable for direct feeding to sheep and cattle or for silage.
Summary of advantages:
Highly suitable for grazing or silage
Produces many tillers and recovers well from cutting or grazing
First grazing 6 - 7 weeks with subsequent multiple grazings
Can be sown when soil temperatures are 14° C and above
No hydrocyanic acid (HCN) poisoning risk
Sowing rates:
Light sandy loams 5 - 10 kgs per ha
Medium sandy loams 10 - 15 kgs per ha
Sandy clay loams/irrigation Min 20 kgs per ha
if optimum production required
Grazing height:
30 - 50 cm to get optimum feed quality.
Graze down to 15cm to get better regrowth
To get improved regrowth graze in smaller blocks and
back fence if practical.