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Product ID: 181287


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Silk Forage Sorghum prefers growing in warm areas on fertile soils.

It is especially suited to the fertile, heavy clay soils in sub-tropical, summer rainfall areas of Queensland and northern New South Wales.

Silk Forage Sorghum (Sorghum hybrid cv. Silk) is a vigorous, upright, tussocky perennial grass growing to 3.5mt high.

It is a successful forage plant but can also invade both dry land and irrigated cropping areas.

It has the potential to poison stock, become a road safety hazard and to harbour disease and insect pests.

It looks very similar to Columbus Grass (Sorghum — almum) and its seeds and flower clusters are indistinguishable from both Columbus Grass and Johnson Grass (S. halepense).

Control measures include repeated cultivation, mowing and heavy grazing combined with slashing, burning and then spraying the regrowth with herbicide.

The flower head is pale greenish to dark red-brown, open, branching and pyramid-shaped to 30 cm long.

The flower clusters are arranged in pairs along, or in triplets at the ends of, branchlets.

One of each pair or triplet is stalkless and fertile and the others are stalked and sterile.

The fertile cluster is 5-7 mm long, often with a bristle, which is usually lost by the time the pollen is released.

The roots are fibrous and freely branching out to 1mt.

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