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Product ID: 100719408


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Endura Rhodes grass, a diploid Rhodes grass, is a new Katambora type.

Bred in Australia, this perennial variety was selected from the market leading Tolgar Rhodes grass, taking the greatest characteristics of this long-standing variety and significantly improving forage quality.

Leaf blades are thinner again, resulting in finer textured vegetative growth, with a reduced amount of stem. The enhanced multiple tillering ability of Endura Rhodesproduces a higher leaf to stem ratio, providing more consumable dry matter than Tolgar Rhodes and other Katambora Rhodes grass varieties on the market.

The result of intensive breeding selection work from Tolgar Rhodes has resulted in Endura Rhodes grass ability to make top quality hay, with conditioning and drying down traits significantly improved.

Less stem results in more even dry down rates and the ability to capitalise on quick initial leaf dry down gains. Maturity evenness of this variety provides higher levels of protein feed later in the season that has higher utilisation rates.

Endura Rhodes demonstrates exceptional persistence and recovery after grazing or cutting.

Later flowering again compared to Tolgar Rhodes and other Katambora Rhodes grasses provides Endura RhodesĀ® the ability to maintain feed quality longer into the season.


Endura Rhodes is an excellent option for intensive hay production systems, as well as for use under intensive and extensive grazing situations. It is ideal for land reclamation, amenity, erosion control, and mine rehabilitation.

Suggested Sowing Rates (AgriCote coated seed):

Marginal Dryland: 4-6Kg/Ha
Ideal Dryland: 8-12Kg/Ha
Irrigated: 15-25Kg/Ha

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