Product ID: 9098744
QTY: | 1+ | 10+ | 25+ |
PRICE: | $38.90 | Enquire | Enquire |
Bisset bluegrass is a warm season perennial growing to about 1.5m tall.
It is leafy, late-flowering and will grow into early winter until cut by frost.
Bisset grows as well or better than Hatch in drier districts and is the superior cultivar in wetter areas.
Bisset Bluegrass thrives on country where Green Panic and Rhodes Grass will not persist.
Even without fertilizer, it can compete successfully with native grasses on forest country.
It also responds wellto nitrogen fertilizer.
This species grows better than any other improved grasses on low fertility soils, including loams, clay loams and sandy soils.
They do not grow satisfactorily in waterlogged situations or on very heavy clays.
A strong stoloniferous grass suitable for grazing and/or hay production
Good drought and close grazing tolerance
Finer in the stem, later maturing and more stoloniferous than Hatch
A hardy and useful grass that will tolerate low fertile soils
Effective ground cover to combat erosion
Resists weed invasion
Tolerant of fire
Recommended planting rates:
Marginal Dryland:
6 - 8Kg per Hectare
Good Dryland:
10 - 12Kg per Hectare
12-15Kg per Hectare
Bisset Bluegrass seed is light and fluffy, and cannot be planted through combine planters.
It can be sown satisfactorily through a revolving drum seeder or mixed with fertilizer and broadcast through a fertilizer spreader.
It should be covered by no more than 1cm of soil. Ideally, grazing should be withheld until seedlings develop a strong root system, stands have been effectively established under quite heavy grazing.