Product ID: 300006
Based on a selectively developed strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (strain pm414),
Rhizo-max provides effective management of a wide array of both fungi and bacteria, via pre-emptive colonization and population manipulation, while providing outstanding plant, human and environmental safety.
Rhizo-max is also an excellent tank-mix or rotational partner in your disease control and nutrient program, compatible with most commonly used pesticides, nutrients and adjuvants.
Rhizo-max contain gram positive endospores which are Phosphate solubilizing, lipopeptide antibiotic rhizo-bacteria.
The Active ingredient contains a concentrated (1x108 cfu /ml) Aqueous Suspension of a specific strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (strain pm414), and the broth in which the bacteria is cultured.
Rhizo-max also acts as an immunostimulant that works through the promotion of a naturally occurring Salicylic Acid Response in plants.
Rhizo-max is a broad spectrum root inoculant.
For use on a wide range of crops including tree and grain crops, ornamentals and vegetables.
Rhizo-max enhances germination and plant growth by competitively excluding diseases caused by a range of Fungi and Bacteria.
Rhizo-maxs unique acceleration of the ATP / ADP process, means that Phosphate ions are gathered, electrochemically by the bacteria, and pulled into the plant, making the most of applied and stored nutrients.
Features & Benefits:
Increased Nutrient utilisation, and adsorption by active transport, via the active ingredients creation of electrochemically charged, ion conducting pores, facilitating the uptake of essential nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Silica.
Promotion of a Salicylic Acid Response to induce naturally occurring disease resistance
Colonisation of the cytoplasmic membrane (root hairs) and subsequent formation of a biofilm
Isobutyric acids are just one of the amino acid compounds produced by the bacteria which increase the solubilisation of Phosphorus in soils resulting in growth stimulation
Cost effectively Re-build your soil biota to get on top of soil health issues affecting production.
Operates via multiple modes of action for effective resistance management
Safe for use in conjunction with composts, and other microbial inoculants such as Rhizobium and Trichoderma
Compatible for tank-mixing / rotating with other products
Excellent for sustainability and IPM underground.