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Product ID: MMSOPHL-15


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Organic liquid suspension of micronised calcium phosphate.

Plant available calcium and phosphate, together in a single, high analysis product, is not normally a possibility.

The non-ionic nature of MMS products allows this highly productive combination.

Phos-Life Organic is a high analysis source of micronised guano combined in a free-flowing suspension with fulvic acid.

Calcium and phosphate are the two principle elements involved in photosynthesis and plant sugar production but it is not normally possible to combine them in a single fertiliser due to their incompatibility.

Phos-Life Organic represents a rare fusion of these two elements in a plant available form.


Australian Certified Organic (ACO) Registered Farm Input 456AI.

A rare and unique source of natural liquid phosphate.

Also contains high levels of calcium. Calcium and phosphate are the governors of plant health and high brix levels.

Calcium and phosphate are normally incompatible in ionic form, but not in micronised, colloidal form.

Phos-Life Organic also contains a rich lode of trace elements, including good levels of zinc.

The mineral component can become plant available within days.

Far more compatible with other inputs compared with MAP/DAP or calcium nitrate.

Particularly applicable when nitrogen is not required in conjunction with calcium and/or phosphorus, i.e. MAP, DAP, calcium nitrate, etc.

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