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Product ID: 4800


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Troy Vitamin B12 Sheep and Cattle is for the treatment of Vitamin B12 deficiency in lambs, calves, sheep and cattle.

Vitamin B12 is an essential component of a number of enzymes which are involved in normal metabolism.

It is stored in the liver and is necessary in sheep for energy production and vital for wool and body growth.

Cobalt is an essential trace element required by ruminants for the synthesis of vitamin B12.

The micro-organisms in the rumen convert dietary cobalt into vitamin B12

What are the effects of vitamin B12 deficiency:

Vitamin B12 deficiency in sheep can cause a number of clinical signs including loss of appetite, decreased growth rates, weight loss, watery ocular discharge and anaemia.
These signs can occur despite an abundance of available pasture.
Young growing lambs are most at risk of developing clinical signs on deficient pastures, as they have a high energy requirement for growth.
Growth rates and wool production are affected by marginal cobalt deficiency, with these losses exceeding 15% in severely cobalt-deficient areas.
Ewes are also at increased risk with reduced lambing percentages, poor weight gains in suckling lambs, greater risk of metabolic disease (pregnancy toxaemia), reduced wool production and infertility.

What are the factors influencing cobalt deficiency:

Vitamin B12 is dependent on the intake of cobalt from pasture and soil.
Cobalt deficiency is associated with sandy coastal soil types and higher pH soils (limestone country). Prolonged weathering, leaching or intensive cropping can decrease the amount of cobalt in the soil. Pasture cobalt can vary with pasture species.
A seasonal influence has shown that spring pastures have lower levels of trace elements due to faster growth, and lower uptake of elements from the soil.
Some classes of sheep have an increased demand for vitamin B12 which includes lambs, weaners and pregnant ewes.

Directions for use:

By intramuscular or subcutaneous injection.

Lambs - 1ml every 2 months.

Calves - 2ml every 3 months.

Adult Sheep - 1ml every 4 months.

Adult Cattle - 2 ml every 4 months.

Cobalt supplementation may be required in some areas where Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs.

Seek veterinary advice concerning Vitamin B12 and Cobalt supplementation.

Withholding Periods:
Meat: Nil
Milk: Nil

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