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Product ID: SMLA500W


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For the treatment and control of roundworms, nasal bot and itchmite in sheep.

For protection against severe challenge by Haemonchus contortus (barbers pole worm) for up to 4 months.


Contains moxidectin - the most potent macrocyclic lactone (ML)
No less than 91 days persistent activity against barbers pole worm and small brown stomach worm
Up to 49 days persistent activity against black scour worm
Up to 4 months protection against severe challenge by barbers pole worm
Recommended for highly contaminated pastures

Recommended For:

Ideal for use where paddock larval burdens are high, or where animal immunity levels are expected to be low (e.g. lactating ewes and merino weaners).
For improved sustainability use Cydectin Long Acting Injection For Sheep concurrently with a drench from another chemical group.

Why Choose Cydectin Long Acting Injection for Sheep:

Control of internal parasites:
Moxidectin is the most potent member of the macrocyclic lactone (ML) family of drenches, meaning it can kill worms resistant to ivermectin and abamectin.

Broad spectrum parasite control:
Cydectin Long Acting is highly effective against all major internal parasites that are susceptible to an ML drench, including gastrointestinal roundworms and large lungworm.
These worms reduce overall productivity, especially in young animals. Weight gains and wool growth can be reduced significantly.
Cydectin Long Acting also controls itch mite and nasal bots.

Longer acting worm control:
Cydectin Long Acting controls barbers pole worm and small brown stomach worm for at least 91 days, and black scour worm for up to 49 days.
It also protects against severe challenge from barbers pole worm for up to 4 months. Good worm control means cleaner sheep, less pasture contamination and increased productivity

Less drenching:
Cydectin Long Acting long duration of activity can mean less drenching and may help reduce the development of resistance.

Ease of application:
Cydectin Long Acting is delivered by a simple, subcutaneous injection.

Cydectin Long Acting has a wide margin of safety when used as recommended.

Withholding Period /ESI

Meat: 91 days
Milk: Do not use in female sheep which are producing, or may in the future produce, milk or milk products for human consumption
ESI: 133 days

Active Composition:
Moxidectin 20g/L

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