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Product ID: NMCSBB,up%20nutrients%20for%20your%20crop.


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NatraMin Cal-S is formulated with extra calcium and sulphur for dark, sodic, cloddy or crusting soils with a calcium imbalance and low in sulphur.

It is suitable to use in small crops, cotton, lucerne, pasture and grain.

NatraMin Cal-S is a cost effective alternative to Gypsum as a soil conditioner and contains high levels of silica as well as other essential minerals and trace elements.

All blends of NatraMin are formulated to stimulate microbe and worm activity in your soil, helping to release locked up nutrients for your crop.

In addition to providing broad spectrum minerals, all blends of NatraMin are formulated to stimulate microbe and worm activity in your soil, helping to release locked up nutrients for your crop.

Why use NatraMin Cal-S:

Replaces the use of Gypsum
Broad spectrum minerals plus extra calcium and sulphur
Particularly beneficial for use on heavy and dark soils
Improves calcium to magnesium ratios
Reduces high magnesium levels
Reduces soil crusting
Improves soil structure

Why remineralisation is important for your soil:

After decades of farming, vital mineral elements and humus levels have been depleted from the soil, resulting in an ever increasing dependence on water soluble fertiliser.

With over twenty mineral and trace elements being essential for optimum plant nutrition, soil remineralisation is a key factor to restore natural fertility to your soil.

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