Product ID: 11013801
Danadim Progress is a patented, low odour 400g/L dimethoate formulation with a unique stabiliser.
Danadim Progress is used for the control of a wide range of insect pests on fruit trees, vegetables, Citrus, pastures, Cotton, Lucerne, Peanuts and ornamentals.
Quick knockdown activity to reduce additional crop damage
Controls chewing and sucking pests for flexibility in a wide range of crop types
Low odour to assist workers when handling the product
Stabilised formulation inhibits degradation leading to superior storage
Pests that Danadim Progress target:
Lucerne flea, Redlegged earth mite, Wingless grasshopper, Brown wheat Mite, Blue oat mite, Leafhoppers, Cereal aphids, Pangola aphid, Spotted alfalfa aphid, Blue green aphid, Bean fly, Pea aphid, Maize leafhoppers, Thrips, Green peach aphid, Green vegetable bug, Spider mites, Jassids, Two Spotted mite, Green mirids, Broken backed bug, Apple dimpling bug, Brown smudge bug, Rutherglen bug, Peanut mite, Strawberry bug, Queensland fruit fly, Bronze orange bug, Mediterranean fruit fly, Cow pea aphid, Cucumber fly, Tomato mite, Bryobia mite, Redlegged Earth mite, Woolly aphid, Sap-sucking, Mealybugs, Sawflies, White flies, Wingless grasshopper, Psyllids Scales, Scarab, Leaf beetles, Beetle larvae, Moth caterpillars, Lace bugs, Gall insects, Azalea lace bug, Jarrah Leaf, Miner, Psyllids, Kurrajong Leaf, Miner, Leaf Blister, Sawfly, Lerp Insects, Scale Insects, Spittle bugs, Mites.
Active Constituent:
400 g/L Dimethoate