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Product ID: 0GCASP1


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Casper Turf Herbicide is a clever combination of two active ingredients (Dicamba 50% & Prosulfuron 5%) that together deliver more than either could in isolation.

Prosulfuron is new to the turf industry and has been combined with the trusted herbicide Dicamba to deliver highly effective control of many broadleaf weeds.

Casper Turf is for post-emergence selective control of certain broadleaf weeds in established turf.


Dual active ingredients, including Dicamba & Prosulfuron, a new active ingredient for turf.

A broad-spectrum selective post-emergence herbicide for turf that is highly effective in controlling broadleaf weeds.

A convenient water-dispersible granular formulation with economical rates and in a convenient 1 kg container making it easy to handle and mix.

Complete weed solution for turf in combination with Barricade Turf Herbicide and Monument Turf Herbicide.

Quick systemic action (xylem) with root, shoot and leaf uptake.

Highly effective in controlling many broadleaf weeds including Creeping Oxalis, Dandelion, Wireweed and many more.

Casper can be used on most warm and cool-season turf species:

Warm Season Turf Grasses:

Carpet Grass, Couch, Established Bahia Grass, Kikuyu, Paspalum, Queensland Blue Couch, Zoysia.

Cool Season Turf Grasses:

Bent Grass, Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass.

Do not apply to Buffalo Grass.

Targeted Weeds:

Bindi, Jo-jo, Bindi-eye, Lawn Burweed, Creeping Oxalis, Milk Thistle, Blackberry Nightshade, Curled Dock, Pennywort, Burr Medic, Dandelion, Subterranean Clover, Catsear, Fleabane, White Clover, Chickweed, Khaki Weed, Wireweed, Cotula, Lambs Tongue/ Plantain.

Casper as a post-emergent herbicide is taken up by leaves, shoots and roots of target weeds.

Application targeted towards delivering Casper to thoroughly cover the leaves and shoots is best.

Always apply with a non-ionic surfactant.

Casper can be washed off the leaves and into the soil to promote root uptake for complete systemic action.

Active Ingredients:

Prosulfuron @ 50g/kg
Dicamba @ 500g/kg

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