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Product ID: 44268


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Woody Extra Herbicide, made from Aminopyralid, Picloram & Triclopyr, controls various environmental and noxious woody and herbaceous weeds.

These three ingredients provide excellent broad-spectrum control of even the most difficult-to-kill weeds with extended residual activity.

The combination of Triclopyr, Picloram and Aminopyralid creates a synergistic effect, where the overall effectiveness of the herbicide is enhanced compared to using each herbicide alone.

This synergy allows for improved control of tough, resilient woody plants.

Weeds Controlled:

African boxthorn, Angophora spp., Australian blackthorn (Apply from late spring to early autumn), Banksia spp., Biddy bush (Chinese shrub), (sifton bush), Blackberry with association with: Docks, Ragwort, Smartweed, Thistles, Blue heliothrope, Horehoiund, Japanese Sunflower, Lantana (Lantana camara), (Lantana montevidensis), Lions tail, Limebush, Manuka, Mesquite I(Prosopis spp.), Milfoil (Yarrow), Mistlflower, Mother-of-millions, Paddys lucerne, Parkinsonia, Patersons curse, Prickly pear (common), Smooth tree pear, Rubber vine (Not infected with rust), Siam weed, Sicklepod, Spear thistle, St John wort, Sweet briar, Tobacco weed, Tropical soda apple, Wattle (Acacia spp.) (except wormwood wattle), Wild Rosemary (Cassinia laevis), Wild tobacco tree, Blackberry, Gorse, Cockspur thorn, Crofton weed, Lantana, Mistlflower, Rubber vine (Not infected with rust), St Johns wort, Parkinsonia Seeding, Camphor Laurel, Eucalyptus species, Flax-leaf Fleabane (Conyza bonariensis), Camel melon, Prickly paddy melon, Cucumber melon (cucumis melo), Common sowthistle, Cow vine, Lucerne (established), Polymeria pusilla, Bitterbark (Alstonia constricta).
For growth stages and situations of use, please refer to the Instruction Booklet.

How can Woody Extra Herbicide be applied:

High Volume Spraying
Aerial Application
Controlled Droplet Application (C.D.A.)
Low Volume High Concentrate Application Techniques (Gas Powered Gun, Sprinkler Sprayer)
Boom Application
Blanket Wiper Application
Knapsacks & 12v Sprayers
Aminopyralid and Picloram found in Woody Extra Herbicide remain active in the soil for extended periods depending on the rate of application, soil type (clay content), rainfall, temperature, humidity, soil moisture and soil organic matter. Plant-back periods can be found in the directions for use.

Why choose Woody Extra Herbicide:

Woody Extra Herbicide contains 3 powerful active ingredients.
Triclopyr, Picloram, and Aminopyralid are all effective herbicides that can be used to control a wide variety of woody weeds.
Combined, they provide excellent control of even the most difficult-to-kill weeds.

Broad Spectrum Control:
Triclopyr, picloram, and aminopyralid are all broad-spectrum herbicides, which are effective against a wide range of weed species, including many woody weeds.
This combination ensures that the herbicide can target and control various types of woody vegetation.

Synergistic Effects:
The combination of these three herbicides can create a synergistic effect, where the overall effectiveness of the herbicide is enhanced compared to using each herbicide alone.
This synergy allows for improved control of tough, resilient woody plants.

Multiple Modes of Action:
Triclopyr, picloram, and aminopyralid have different modes of action, affecting plants differently.
This multiple-mode-of-action approach helps combat resistance in weed populations.
By targeting different biochemical pathways and physiological processes in the plants, it becomes more difficult for weeds to develop resistance to all three herbicides simultaneously.

Extended Residual Activity:
Triclopyr, picloram, and aminopyralid often have long-lasting residual activity in the soil.
This means that even after application, the herbicides remain active in the soil for an extended period, providing ongoing control and preventing the reestablishment of woody weeds.
This characteristic is particularly useful for controlling perennial woody plants with deep root systems that can resprout.

While triclopyr, picloram, and aminopyralid are potent herbicides, they also have a degree of selectivity, meaning they can selectively target and control woody plants without causing significant harm to desirable grasses in the area.
This selectivity allows for more targeted weed control in areas where woody vegetation needs to be managed without damaging other desirable plants.

Active ingredients:
300g/L Triclopyr
100 g/L Picloram
8 g/L Aminopyralid

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