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Product ID: MMLSBD15


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MegaMin Bone Defender is formulated to help horses to maintain bone strength and to stay healthy and sound when grazing oxalate subtropical pastures.

Scientifically developed for:

Balanced Minerals:

Formulated to provide enough calcium, magnesium and phosphorus to allow horses to maintain bone strength and to stay healthy and sound when grazing high oxalate subtropical pastures.
Assists in balancing the calcium to oxalate ratio to reduce the risk of Bighead Disease.

Strong Bones:

Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are essential minerals for protecting, developing and supporting bone health.

Health & Vitality:

Contains AgSolutions unique blend of natural broad spectrum minerals along with other high quality ingredients to help ensure optimum uptake from the digestive system.

What makes MegaMin Bone Defender different from other supplements:

MegaMin Bone Defender has been specially formulated in conjunction with a leading Australian Equine Nutritionist to meet the calcium needs of horses with access to diets consisting largely of high oxalate pasture.
The supplement has been scientifically balanced and has added vitamin D to help ensure optimum uptake from the digestive system.
MegaMin Bone Defender is suitable for horses and ponies in all disciplines.
The daily feeding rates are very detailed and based on the latest scientific research.
MegaMin Bone Defender is recommended to be used in conjunction with MegaMin Equine Enhancer or as part of a balanced diet in order to eliminate the potential of having excessive trace mineral levels in the situation where significant amounts of supplement is required to counteract the negative effect of high oxalate in pastures such as Buffel Grass and Setaria.

What makes MegaMin Bone Defender so important for horses grazing high oxalate pastures:

MegaMin Bone Defender is formulated to provide enough high quality and bioavailable calcium, phosphorus and magnesium to allow horses to maintain bone strength and to stay healthy and sound when grazing high oxalate subtropical pastures.
Left unsupplemented on these pastures, horses are at risk of severe bone demineralization and Bighead Disease.

Can I use MegaMin Bone Defender as a macro mineral top up supplement:

Yes you can use MegaMin Bone Defender, may also be used to supplement calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in diets where levels may be low. E.g. for growing horses, broodmares or for horses on high grain diets.
When used in this manner, feed at ¼ to ¾ of the feeding rates provided on the label.

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