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James & Sons Conditioner the Choice for Optimal Condition.

A Loose Mix that has been formulated to improve body condition.

Contains high quality Lucerne Chaff blended with rolled and micronized Grains, Legumes and Oilseeds.

Recommended for Horses:

In equine sport and performance.
In competition and show preparation.
With little access to quality pasture.
Under a strenuous work regime.

Feeding Guide for Conditioner:

Horses requiring optimal body condition or to improve weight gain can be fed up to 4 kg of Conditioner per day, in conjunction with a minimum of 1 % of body weight of good quality pasture, hay and/or chaff.

Where weight gain is required, access to pasture and/or hay should be unlimited.

Introduce Conditioner into the diet slowly over 7 to 14 days.

Ensure all horses have access to clean and fresh water.

Feed conditioner by weight, not volume.

If feeding more than 0.5% of Conditioner plus other grains per day, divide the total daily amount into two or more equal feeds.

The feeding rates of Conditioner are provided as a guide only.

The actual amount fed should be adjusted according to the horses current work load, temperament, body condition, climate and weight gain requirements.

Do not add additional vitamins/minerals without veterinary consultation.

Ideal complete feed for young, senior, performance or pleasure horses.


Lupins , Maize , Barley , Sunflower Seeds , Accomplish Horse Pellets , Lucerne Chaff , Oats , Soy , Oil , Molasses , Vitamins and Minerals.

Min Crude Protein: 15%
Max Crude Fibre: 10%
Energy (mjDE/kg): 13.5
Min Crude Fat: 04.70%
Max Added Salt: 01.00%

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