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Product ID: E07020B


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AMMO Allwormer Broad Spectrum And Bot Paste For Horses 32.5gm Controls Tapeworms Roundworms Pinworms Lungworms Skin Lesions Strongyles Hairworms and Bots.


This paste is highly effective against gastrointestinal, cutaneous and pulmonary nematodes and bots of horses of all ages

Broad spectrum Abamectin and Morantel Tartrate horse worm and bot paste

Abamectin acts by binding selectively and with high affinity to glutamate-gated chloride channels in invertebrate nerve and muscle cells

This leads to hyperpolarisation of these cells, resulting in flaccid paralysis and death of the parasite
Morantel is a depolarising neuromuscular blocking agent producing paralysis by causing muscle contraction

Regular treatment will reduce the chances of verminous arteritis and colic caused by Strongylus vulgaris

At the recommended dose rate of 5.4g/100kg this paste controls the following parasites of horses
Treatment and control of:

Anoplocephala perfoliataLarge

adult & larval stages of Strongylus vulgaris adult & tissue stages of S. edentatus adult stages of S. equinus

Small Strongyles:
including benzimidazole resistant strains of adult and immature Cyathostomum spp, Cycliocyclus spp, Cylicostephanus spp, Cylicodontophorus spp, Gyalocephalus spp, Triodontophorus spp: adults

Pin Worm:
adult & immature Oxyuris equi

adult & immature Parascaris equorum

adult Trichostrongylus axei

Neck Threadworm:
microfilariae of Onchocerca spp

oral & gastric stages of Gasterophilus spp

adult & immature Dictyocaulus arnfeldi

Intestinal Threadworm:
adult Strongyloides westeri

Large mouthed stomach worms:
adult Habronema muscae

Skin lesions caused by:
Habronema spp, Draschia spp cutaneouslarvae (Summer Sores), and Onchocerca spp microfilariae (Cutaneous Onchocerciasis)

Dosage and Administration:

The contents of this syringe will treat one horse of 600kg bodyweight
Each 5ml division on plunger contains 5.4g sufficient to treat 100kg of bodyweight
To administer, place nozzle into the side of the mouth and deposit the paste as far back over the tongue as possible
Immediately raise the horses head for a few seconds after dosing to ensure the full dose has been swallowed
Doses are described in mL, corresponding to the markings on the dial-a-dose syringe
Foals and ponies: administer 5mL per 100kg bodyweight
Safe for use in pregnant mares, in foals over four weeks of age, and in debilitated and convalescent animals

General Directions:

All horses should be included in a regular parasite control programme with particular attention being paid to mares, foals and yearlings
Because re-infection is common, treatment must be repeated routinely for effective control
Highly effective against gastrointestinal, cutaneous and pulmonary nematodes and bots of horses of all ages
Regular treatment will reduce the chances of verminous arteritis and colic caused by S.vulgaris
Well suited to be the major product in a parasite control programme
Consult your veterinarian for a control programme to meet your specific needs


A year round worming prevention and treatment program varies with climatic and stocking conditions, but, in general terms all horses should be wormed every 6-8 weeks, commencing at approximately 6 weeks of age

All horses newly introduced to a property should be wormed immediately on arrival, and kept away from regularly used paddocks or yards for several days in order to minimise environmental recontamination


Export Slaughter Interval (horses): Not to be used in horses that may be slaughtered for human consumption
Keep out of reach of children
Read safety directions before opening or using
For animal treatment only
Harmful if swallowed
May irritate eyes
Avoid contact with eyes
Wash hands after use
Use only outdoors or in a well ventilated area
Do not get on clothing
Harmful to aquatic organisms and the aquatic environment

Active Constituents:
4mg/g Abamectin
167mg/g Morantel Tartrate

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