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Product ID: 3980


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Recharge for Dogs is the sports drink for dogs

It is common for dogs to lose large amounts of fluids and electrolytes during travelling and other stressful situations such as competition, racing and during hot weather from excessive panting.

Unless these losses are rapidly replaced, dehydration, muscle cramping, loss of performance and nervousness can occur.

Recharge for Dogs is great for use during periods of hot weather, after exercise and during travel.

Recharge aids in restoring fluid and electrolytes and aids in rapid recovery from fatigue and dehydration.


Recharge is very easy to use.

Simply add to cool, clean drinking water.

There is no need to wait until the dog has consumed a meal.

It comes in a handy portable pack to administer at events and during travel.

Dosage & Directions of Use:

Ensure an adequate supply of clean, cool, fresh drinking water is available after offering Recharge drink.
The Recharge concentrate should be diluted with clean, fresh drinking water as directed.
The diluted drink should be offered as the first drink during cooling down from exercise.

Before Racing:

Mix 5mL into 125mL (1/2 cupful) of cool, clean water, and offer as a drink after travelling prior to kennelling.
Estimate the weight loss and offer sufficient to satisfy the greyhounds thirst, but take care to avoid exceeding the greyhounds racing weight range.

After Racing:

Mix 10mL into 250mL (1 cupful) of cool, clean water, and offer as a drink during the cooling down period.
Provide a bowl of fresh, cool water in conjunction with the RECHARGE drink in the kennel.

Hot weather/Nursing bitches:

A bulk solution can be prepared and offered as an alternative drink in conjunction with fresh water. Mix at the rate of 40mL/litre water.
Portion out to each greyhound as required, in addition to a bowl of fresh water.
Bulk solution may be refrigerated.
Mix fresh solution each day.


5mL of RECHARGE contains:
Sodium 0.14g
Citrate 0.06g
Potassium 0.15g
Magnesium 0.02g
Chloride 0.22g
Sulfate 0.06g
Phosphate 0.09g
Glucose 1.3g

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