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Product ID: 450213


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ZorbiFresh Active is a bedding conditioner that kills pathogens on impact, and absorbs up to 199% of its weight in moisture.

If youre housing adult animals in barns or young stock in pens, ZorbiFresh Active leaves your bedding drier, reduces odour, and keeps killing pathogens 24 hours post-application.

It also makes your working environment healthier for your animals, you, and your employees.


A bedding conditioner for cows, calves, equine, and swine
Absorbs up to 199% of its weight in moisture
Reduces odour for a safer environment
Starts killing bacteria (including Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli) as soon as it is applied, and keeps killing beyond 24 hours post-application
Suitable for shavings, sawdust, concrete, or rubber beddings
Contains natural Zeolite and Oxone.

Laboratory Tested:

ZorbiFresh Active has been tested using the industry-standard laboratory-efficacy evaluation test.
ZorbiFresh Active is 100% effective against Staphylococcus aureus and E.coli after 1 hour of exposure
Organic soiling of the bedding reduced the efficacy of ZorbiFresh Active after one-hour of exposure, but 100% kill was achieved after 24 hours
ZorbiFresh Active kills bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, and other gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.

Ideal Preparation for Your Calf Shed & Cow Barn:

Start with a clean, dry base
Apply ZorbiFresh Active before laying bedding to kill any residual bacteria.
Spread your choice of bedding.
Apply ZorbiFresh Active to the top layer of the bedding.
Re-apply ZorbiFresh Active once a week, or as needed to control moisture, ammonia, and bacterial load.

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